Monday, July 12, 2010

ADD, Goal Setting, A New TV Show.

So, I'm sitting here with my husband, watching Rizzoli and Isles (Which we were both nerdily excited in LOST excited...oh wait-the ending of that show killed me..but never mind!), and reading some e-mail, and catching up on my fav blogs while Mr. Wonderful is working on putting together some computers and techno stuff. The more I'm reading, and researching, and trying to change my life, the more I realize I need to set some consistent goals. And if I do them here, and have to update them monthly, I will be more inspired and accountable!
So. Instead of blogging about what I thought I would be (that sounds familiar...dejavu from yesterday maybe?? Haha...), I'm gonna switch it up AGAIN! Oh-please note-I do have a slight case of ADD, and I'm ridiculously easily distracted, and I'm relatively scatterbrained, AND I could just go on and on and on...just for future reference.

De-Clutter. By de-clutter, I mean EVERYTHING. Clothes, school supplies, books, Mr. Wonderful's techno stuff, furniture, whatever! :)

Become Financially Independent and Responsible. This means I will be disclosing how we are doing on paying off our debt (depending on how brave I feel, I may even disclose how much debt we have! We'll see)

Budget twice a week. With Mr. Wonderful. (I think that is my new code-name for Matt...because I like it, and it's fun)

Exercise. Anything is better than nothing, right?

Eat better.
In conjunction with eating better, Cook at Home More.

And with that, I think I'm done for tonight. Because now, I am sleepy, and desperately trying to peg tonight's serial killer before Mr. Wonderful does... ;)


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