Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Sunday afternoon Quic

So, I've decided to split up the post I originally had planned...because some of these subjects cause me to get excited, and therefore long-winded! :) I will be telling you about how I coupon today, and then offering a link to a blog I read on the daily who is sponsoring a $10 Target Gift Card Giveaway! :) YAY!!!

How I coupon.
My current method of couponing is this: CUT IT ALL OUT! I cut every coupon available in Sunday's paper. I am fortunate enough that our paper has a few options for subscription-daily, weekend, Sunday only. We go with Sunday only, my parents get it daily, and my work receives the paper on the weekends. This gives me access to 3 sets of coupon inserts, while only paying for one.
****But before I actually cut and organize, I do go through and take out all expired coupons! These can be thrown away, recycled (which is one of my faves!), OR sent to military families...I will try to find the link for that and put it up at a later date-I just can't find it! :(
*If you are at a point where you are ready to tackle couponing, and can handle more than one insert some options to do this are to go to your local recycling plant and check out their paper section (some people I know do this and come away with 6-10 inserts a week!), ask a gas station or grocery store if they will save the inserts only for you (they get credit for the papers they turn in, but inserts don't least here), or have family, friends and neighbors save them for you! :)
*After I cut them all out, then begins the organization. I am currently using an old plastic box to hold my envelopes. Other methods include binders (which I LOVE LOVE LOVE, and am saving up for!), boxes, and who knows what else! My envelopes are labeled by subject-such as Milk/Dairy, Cereal, Eggs, Frozen, Meat, etc. (By the way-I will try to get a picture of my old plastic box up's old, and sort of tacky, but I love it!)

And that my friends, is the gist of how I coupon. More in-depth posts to come later, with what websites I use to match up my deals, how I match up my deals, that sort of stuff! :) I'm sure you've all been waiting for it-here's the $10 Target Gift Card Giveaway I was talking about! It's over at Couponing To Be Debt Free (which is a newfound fav of mine), and everything you need to know about entering should be one click away on this link:

Head on over, and check it out! :)
Later Gators,

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